Life Strikes

Posted by Lorena Giddens on October 5, 2018

I’ve had a very stressful week, almost feeling like a failing adult because of my bank account hitting severe lows and the delayed monthly rent payment and my work hours being cut drastically due to my workplace becoming overstaffed. That only means I will be looking for a second job in hopes to stack more hours on top of my head where I am not using my brain to its full potential but more like essentially losing time which I could be spending on learning code.

This is the one aspect of my life that keeps me driving forth. I know that one day soon I will land a job where I will input value, and boredom will not try to befriend me during slow and steady work hours where I count each and one of them and wish I was… well, contributing more.

Would it be accurate to say that during the last few hours of coding, I was sort of meditating? The life struggles were overshadowed by the code problems, and the latter are easier to fix because it is only me, the developer of a simple lesson in Rails nested resources, that can fix it. The code depends on me, and me, in life, I find that my voice is not heard at all…

So, having said that, I think it’s time to really start browsing those tech job postings. This also means I will have to update my resume, write cover letters, dive in deep into algorithms, learn, learn, and still take consistent steps with Rails, as complex and gigantic as it is. I’m currently 70% done with this section of the curriculum, and just can’t wait to put all of this knowledge into real practice when building my own Rails website.

Because you never know what life will throw at you next.